Welcome to Storydive, a platform dedicated to connecting authors like you with a vibrant community of avid readers.
We believe in stories' power and ability to change lives. As an author, you bring these stories to life. At Storydive, we're here to ensure that they find their way into readers' hands, hearts, and minds everywhere.
So, how does it work? It's pretty simple:
Submit your request to us. This is your chance to showcase your work and let the readers know a little about you. Include details about your writing style, genre specialisations, and a brief biography.
Once your profile is live, you can start submitting your books. You can offer your books for free, at a discounted rate, or at a regular price. Offering a book for free or at a discount can be a great strategy to attract new readers and garner reviews.
Once your books are on Storydive, we'll feature them in our curated lists and recommendations, matching them with readers who love your genre. This is where our powerful recommendation engine comes in, which considers a reader's preferred genres and past reads to suggest books they'll love.
Interact with your readers through Storydive. You can respond to reviews, host Q&As, and share behind-the-scenes insights into your writing process.
You'll receive royalties for every book sold on Storydive. Our secure payment system ensures timely and seamless transactions.
Start Your Journey
Ready to dive into this exciting venture? Fill out our Partner Request Form to get started. We're excited to work with you!
Note: By working with Storydive, you agree to comply with our Terms of Use.